Wella Color Charm 10 Volume Cream Developer

Can you use Wella T18 toner with a 10 volume developer?

Can you use Wella T18 toner with a 10 volume developer? Yes and no. Yes if your hair is pale yellow and no if its dark yellow (gold) and darker. Thats the easiest answer. Let’s dive in a bit more.

If you have very light hair with a yellow tinge in it like the pictures below, the toner will just deposit tone into your hair cancelling the very pale yellow strands. 20 Volume the is recommended volume to use with Wella Colour charm toners because it creates a slight lift in base as well as toning to yellow hair. The very pale yellow doesnt need this slight lft as it is already at the right level.

How to Tone Yellow Hair to Perfection | Wella Professionals

Courtesy: Wella

If you have darker hair than the yellow shown above,like the one below, we would not suggest this. We would suggest using 20 volume with T18 if only your hair is at the level as described in the colour charts. If it isnt, I would suggest pre lightening. So,  if your hair looks like the below shades or orange and you want to just tone your hair, we would suggest using a neutral shade such as 6N to neutralise the orange and and give you a clean neutral looking tone. If you are looking to go lighter, the only way is using a lightener or high lift colour. Always use 20 volume. It may take a little longer but your hair will thank you for this. Once lightened to a pale yellow, you can use the 10 volume with the Wella Colorcharm toners.

How To Combat Brassy Hair | StyleCaster


Wella Color Charm Toners & Developers

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Can you use Wella T18 toner with a 10 volume developer?
Can you use Wella T18 toner with a 10 volume developer?
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